Fotografie: Studentsky zivot v Australii
Autor: Petr Hlásenský | |
Kategorie: humor
Vloženo: 14:33:00 15.09.2003
- Technická data:
- Canon G3
- Poznámky a vzkazy:
- Studenti v zahranici to nemaji lehke, musi ucit do skoly a po vecerech pracuji jako "cleaneri" pro vyderacske zapadni korporace ktere z nich sdiraji kuzi. Musi pracovat az 3 hodiny denne za mzdu blizici se 300 kc na hodinu v nelidskych podminkach pod dohledem agresivnich supervizoru .... :))) Ale jinak se nam tady nezije spatne. Brisbane, Australie
- Popis:
- Klíčová slova:
- exif
Ján Hronský (žltý dodo) | 19:55:25 15.09.2003 | |
Who the fuck is Emma? --- Nevertheless, why is the slave laughing?
Emma Ruth | 15:34:34 15.09.2003 | |
Petr, it's not only the foreign students in Australia who have to work - as cleaners, dishwashers, shop assisstants, etc - while they attend university. Most students - foreigners and Australian citizens - have to work between 10-20 hours per week to support themselves through their studies. The rate of 300Kc/hour is usual for the type of work foreign and Australian students undertake. Fun picture, though :)